
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for All Trimesters

We’ve bundled together the perfect Mother's Day gift set for you and other soon-to-be moms in the first trimester ! The first trimester can come with lots of fun little surprises. Some are more welcomed than others. YAY pregnancy glow! BOOO morning sickness. Our New Mom Gift Set for 1st Trimester is here to help every mom. A combination of our stretch mark preventing Tummy Butter and morning sickness Happy Mornings Tea for nausea this set will have you or any new mom glowing on the inside and outside.

Some people say the best gifts come in little blue boxes, but the mamas we Spoil have spoken and they say the best gifts come in bags! A woman never leaves home without her bag filled with everything she needs for the day so why not give her just that? You and every new mom know there is no time for nonsense and have no business lugging around a box so we made Bump Box in a Bag. It comes with Tummy Butter, Bump Gloss stretch mark oil , exfoliating gloves, and a stylish metallic cosmetic bag that will make the best addition to your or any new mom’s purse. The best pregnancy Mother's Day Gift is specially made for any mama in the second trimester. Now when she says “Honey, grab my bag!” you’ll know exactly which one to get.

During the third trimester, you might be experiencing swollen feet and ankles, dry dehydrated skin, and on top of all have to think about actually giving birth! Treat this Mama or yourself the gift of relief this Mother’s Day with a variety of  Third Trimester Gifts.  Our favorites are Happy Legs Gel for tired cankles, Luxe-Mama calming and hydrating body wash, and last but certainly not least Bottom of the 9th Labor Prep Tea .  

Shop for Mother's Day Gift Ideas for 1st Trimester, 

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for 2nd Trimester, 

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for 3rd Trimester, and 

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for 4th Trimester.