Your Winter Pregnancy Guide: Musts for the Expecting Mom

Your Winter Pregnancy Guide: Musts for the Expecting Mom

As the weather plummets, we've got the quintessential items to survive your winter pregnancy. From dry pregnancy skin to achy feet, we've got the goodies to help you stay comfy and keep you glowing all season long.

1) Work out at home. Research has shown that active pregnancies may lead to easier childbirth and faster recuperation, so don't let the subzero weather deter your exercise. Rent workout videos from your local library, or check out some free Youtube routines to get the blood pumping. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise through your pregnancy, and always consult with your doctor for the best regimen for you.

2) Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Don't leave the house this winter without a sufficient moisturizer. Cold weather leads to chapped, itchy skin, which makes you susceptible to pregnancy stretch marks. To avoid dry pregnancy skin, we recommend a rich moisturizer, like our tummy butter, which protects skin with thick cocoa & shea butter. For extra dry skin, try our pregnancy stretch mark prevention kit, which includes a toxin-free pregnancy oil for extra hydration.

3) Get the right shoes. Wet, icy weather makes navigating winter roads pretty menacing -- and that's even without a big preggo belly in the way. To give yourself sure footing, invest in a good pair of winter boots. Look for stable shoes with rubber soles, good traction, and sufficient ankle support. If you like chunky socks or have swollen cankles, grab a pair one size up or look for lace-up options.

4) Get cozy (& get work done). It's natural to get want to hibernate in the winter -- but that doesn't mean you can't get stuff done. Winter can be a great time to work on the baby nursery, precook freezer meals for when baby arrives, or get through your pregnancy books.

5) Buy a good maternity coat. When it comes to your pregnancy wardrobe, there are some things we can get away with -- but if you're in the latter pregnancy stages, a good maternity coat isn't one of them. As your bump grows, you may find it nearly impossible to fit in your regular winter coat. After the holidays is a great time to pick up a fashionable, warm maternity coat to help you get through the rest of the season.

6) Use your sick days. If you've got sick days, now's the time to use them. Illness during pregnancy can hit you extra hard, so take the proper time to rest and recuperate. 

7) Get your flu shot. The flu is nothing to laugh at -- especially when you're pregnant. The flu is more likely to cause severe illness in expectant mothers, so the CDC recommends pregnant mothers get their flu shot during any trimester.

Top winter pregnancy musts

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