Organic Pregnancy

Easy ways to make (or fake) your pregnancy glow

Easy ways to make or fake your pregnancy glow

There are some women that pregnancy really takes to. Exhibit A? Heidi Klum. It's a cruel realization for of us mortals that this normally gorgeous supermodel looks even better and more glamourous when she's preggo. I mean, have you seen her?

Fake your pregnancy glow! Tips & tricks for the new mom

While we can't promise you longer, leaner limbs or give you a celebrity stylist, we do have some tips for you to enhance your pregnancy glow.

But first, what is pregnancy glow?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, the "glow" many people talk about is caused by increased blood circulation during pregnancy. Your body produces 50% more blood, and this increased blood circulation can cause your face to look brighter.

Your body also produces a fair amount of hormones that cause your oil glands to work in overdrive, which can leave your face shiny (and hopefully not oily!)

Does everyone get pregnancy glow?

Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with the pregnancy halo. Since a lot of it is caused by hormones (and hormone levels vary), many women experience unexpected acne and skin changes. These changes can include melasma (dark spots) or acne of the face and neck.

OK, OK, enough of the depressing stuff. How do I make (or fake) my glow?

We believe there are some simple ways any woman can fake her glow. Our simple philosophy is that if you feel good, you'll look good.

  • Get waxed. After a certain point in your pregnancy, you can barely see  past your belly, much less bend down to shave your legs. As a result, many things below the equator can be easily ignored or pushed off. It's a classic case of out of sight, out of mind. However, getting waxed can be a great way for you to get some downtime and leave you feeling clean, fresh and pampered. If you're in the SF Bay Area, we highly recommend the folks at Waxcraft.
  • Get a new 'do. We don't recommend doing anything drastic in the heat of the moment (this isn't a break up or anything); however, something as simple as getting bangs or adding layers can help draw attention to your face, cheek bones and eyes. If your doc says it's OK, try a lighter shade hair dye or highlights. Even a shade one or two colors up from your original hair color can help warm your skin tone and give you a sun-kissed look.
  • Take care of your face.  Even though everyone is cooing over your belly, it's still important to take care of your face. Pregnancy skin care is a must for every new mom: If you're looking for how to treat acne while pregnant, choose a specially formulated pregnancy acne cream and stay away from potentially dangerous oral retinoids and salicylic acid. To reduce splotchy dark spots, try a safe mask of pregnancy treatment free of dangerous skin brighteners like hydroquinone.
  • Makeup. There's a reason why they're called makeup artists -- makeup can do wonders! Choosing the right products can give you an easy, "every day" makeup routine that helps cover unsightly blemishes, while a simple swipe of highlighter can mimic a healthy glow.
  • Get your nails did. It's so simple and elementary, but the small things you took for granted pre-pregnancy can make you feel like a queen when you're expecting. Find yourself pregnancy safe nail polish, which may be available at your local drug store. The key ingredients we want to avoid are dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and toluene.

Easy ways to make (or fake) your pregnancy glow

Now let us know, did we miss anything? What are your favorite tricks to enhance your pregnancy glow?




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