#SpreadtheGood: March of Dimes

#SpreadtheGood: March of Dimes

Operation #SpreadtheGood continues! If you haven't been following the blog or social media the past few weeks (shame on you!), #SpreadtheGood is The Spoiled Mama's take on Twitter's @HiddenCash social experiment to "pay it forward" by hiding cash for strangers to find.

In a similar vein, we are sneaking $10 Mama Bucks vouchers in Spoiled Mama orders that YOU can donate to three awesome nonprofits. Every time you order pregnancy skincare from our online store, you can be randomly selected to #SpreadtheGood! This week, we're highlighting March of Dimes, an organization that has done amazing medical research to end premature birth, birth defects, and infant mortality. If you want to learn more about the other nonprofits we're working with, check out our posts on San Francisco's Homeless Prenatal Program and Operation Showers of Appreciation for military moms and children.


What is March of Dimes?

March of Dimes began on the eve of World War II by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to research and fight polio, a contagious and historically devastating disease that left the president famously confined to a wheelchair. Through research grants funded March of Dimes, polio was virtually eliminated from the Western hemisphere in the second half of the 20th century. With that accomplishment under its belt, the organization redirected its mission to focus on premature birth and birth defects.


How March of Dimes helps expecting Mamas & their families:

Throughout its history, March of Dimes has demonstrated a multi-faceted approach to birth defects, seizing every opportunity to improve infant health and reduce premature birth.

Holy Moly Fact:

Worldwide, 15 million babies are born prematurely and close to 8 million are born with birth defects every year. More than 4 million die to preterm birth and birth defects annually.

Never relying on a singular approach, the organization has reinvented itself numerous times to include walk-a-thons, awareness on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and assistance to newborn intensive care units in the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

Why we love March of Dimes:

Holy Moly Fact:

 Since 1970, nationwide March of Dimes walk-a-thons have raised an incredible $2.3 billion to benefit all babies.

From spearheading public health policy initiatives to bringing prenatal education overseas, March of Dimes has helped countless Mamas bring healthy, happy babies into the world. march-of-dimes-donate-premature-babies-spreadthegood

“How do I support March of Dimes through #SpreadtheGood?”

If you receive our complimentary $10 Mama Bucks voucher in your Spoiled Mama online order, simply contact us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (@thespoiledmama) and tell us you want your donation to go towards March of Dimes.
We will happily turn your Mama Bucks into real cash, and send it along to the nonprofit of your choice!

“I want to give more! Can I directly donate to March of Dimes?”

Of course! Your donations help the nonprofit find answers to premature birth and fund research that ensures Mamas have full-term, healthy babies.

Will YOU give your Mama Bucks to March of Dimes? Look out for donation vouchers in Spoiled Mama orders, and #SpreadtheGood!


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