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Ultimate Breastfeeding Babe Giveaway - $400 in prizes...Enter Now!

Ultimate Breastfeeding Babe Giveaway - $400 in prizes...Enter Now!

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, which means we're celebrating all you amazing nursing Mamas! We've teamed up with SIX incredible brands to bring you the Ultimate Breastfeeding Babe Giveaway.

ONE lucky Mama will receive over $400 in prizes, which includes soothing breastfeeding care, beautiful nursing jewelry and awesome feeding-friendly clothing! This package is perfect for the breastfeeding or pregnant Mama, so win it for a friend or keep it ALLLL to yourself (hey, we won't judge!).

Win breastfeeding care - $400+ value - Hosted by The Spoiled Mama

Here's what YOU get:

pregnancy skin care

The Spoiled Mama Skin Care 
1 x Bump Bag Bliss for postpartum stretch marks
1 x Nipstick Nipple Cream
2 x Lactation tea to increase milk supply
1 x tea strainer spoon
($104+ value)

milkies by fairhaven health

Milkies by Fairhaven Health
1 x Milk-Saver
1 x Milk Tray
1 x Nursing Blend Breastfeeding Supplement
1 x Softies Nursing Pads
 ($90+ value)

you lingerie nursing bras

You! Lingerie: Nursing Bras & Maternity Lingerie 
1 x $50 gift certificate

au lait nursing tank

Au Lait: Stylish Nursing & Breastfeeding Tops
1 x Jersey Layered Tank ($68 value)

teething breastfeeding necklace

Chewbeads: Chic, baby safe jewelry for Mom
1 x Jane Necklace & Gramercy Stroller Toy ($44.50 value)

naked tank breastfeeding
boobie breastfeeding bar
1 x $25 gift certificate

The more you enter, the better chance you have of winning! Start by joining our mailing list, then show some social media love to our sponsors for additional entries. Enter now - giveaway ends Aug. 31, 2016 at 12 a.m.!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, Mamas!

Reading next

Pregnant During Summer: Pregnancy Skin Care Do's & Don’ts
The Spoiled Mama turns 9 + a sincere THANK YOU !


Daniela Hagedon

Daniela Hagedon

Such a wonderful site with amazing products! So happy I stumbled across this page! Good luck to all the mamas out there!! 

Sadie Harrington

Sadie Harrington

Can’t wait for the drawing! I am obsessed with the tummm butter and bottom of the ninth tea!

Sadie Harrington

Sadie Harrington

I’ve been using the tummy butter and bump gloss since I found out I was pregnant, I am OBSESSED! I have zero stretch marks! I’m two weeks away from my due date, I purchased the bottom of the ninth tea and lactation tea. They are delisous!

LAuren KUjawski

LAuren KUjawski

Ohhh yayyyyyy!!!! Exciting giveaway!! ??



Awesome giveaway!! I hope I win!! My due date is 8/21/16. Only six more days til I get to meet my little girl! I could really put this giveaway to great use, and I would love every bit of it!

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