Before & After Tummy Butter Results

tummy butter results by The Spoiled Mama

Alyssa Z.

I can’t tell you enough how much I love this cream! Since I started using it, I have seen results right away and I’m so in love with it. I have recommended it to a lot of people that will be purchasing it. Thank you so much for this amazing product you have created!  




Kerri-Ann M.

In my family, the 3 B's are prone to stretch marks- breasts, belly, and buttocks, so I started using this very early on in my pregnancy on all 3 areas.  Zero stretch marks on belly or butt, and a few very small ones on breasts (breastfed a little over a year). This review is for the bump gloss oil and the stretch mark prevention tummy butter, I used both my entire pregnancy. This is a pic at 36 weeks, and one at 2 years out!


acne from pregnancy

Taylor L.

I had hormonal acne before my pregnancy so it only got worse after. I never write reviews but this is the first product that has actually cleared up my chin. I’ve been using it for a month now. The first week showed no promise but I made myself stick to it, and I’m so glad I did.

stretch mark removal cream with tummy butter

Tess P. 

I used this product from 20w pregnant until a few weeks postpartum. I didn’t get ANY stretch marks and my belly was huge. Then I ran out and stopped using it and stretch marks showed up 6 weeks AFTER my baby was born. I immediately ordered more and my red stretch marks have already started fading. Since I started using it, I have seen results right away and I’m so in love with it. 


spoiled mama reviews of tummy butter