Belly Butter

Daily routine to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy for Summer

ic:Daily routine to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

Before you start the treatment of pregnancy stretch marks and how to prevent them it is better to know about them can help you understand their dynamics. This information will help you get prevent and/or fade stretch marks. You will get to know the real reasons they occur and reduce the tendency that they may appear during or after pregnancy. 

stretch mark before and after picture

To begin with, you should know that pregnancy stretch marks occur due to hormones and the tearing of skin. These are tears between elastin and collagen fiber of our skin. These marks can start appearing during the 13th to 21st week of your pregnancy which means that you can start to get them after the 4th month of pregnancy. 

Different parts of the body where you get stretch marks during pregnancy 

There are multiple places of your body where you can get these marks which include

  • Breasts
  • Thighs
  • Armpit
  • Arms
  • Tummy

 When your baby starts to grow in weight and the size your belly start stretching up. Your skin gets stretched during the weight of the baby, this causes the pressure on your skins dermis and  can lead to stretch marks. Sometimes you can also get them at the time of puberty but 80% of women experience them during pregnancy. 

How to avoid stretch marks
There are lots of grey areas when it comes to the treatment of your pregnancy stretch marks. There are some techniques that you can use to avoid them during pregnancy and if you did get them then  you can help to fade them. There are some steps that you can follow to prevent these stretch marks from appearing during pregnancy and they are also very simple to follow. If you dont have a family history of stretch marks during pregnancy than there is a possibility that you can prevent them.

Eat Healthy

Food does not only provide nourishment to you and your baby but it also nourishes your skin. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy it is very important to eat healthy food. You have to include more fruits and raw vegetables in your diet. 

Use oil for pregnancy stretch marks

There are many companies that are providing oil for pregnancy stretch marks or Stretch marks cream which helps you to moisturize your skin during pregnancy. These oils are made up of natural ingredients and you can also see their benefit rapidly. 

stretch mark cream and oil

Be Proactive

Stretch marks can be prevented and you can start early. If you already are noticing pregnancy stretch marks you can still help fade them in time and they can get much lighter and almost into silvery lines. If you start preparing for these pregnancy stretch marks before they happen it gives you an edge to deal with them. So apply tummy cream for stretch marks on a regular basis. It is better if you make a proper time table to apply them.

Massage your belly on a daily basis

    Remember you can prevent stretch marks. As soon as you notice to that your body is growing to start massaging your belly and other parts of your body on a daily basis. 

    No Scratching that Itch, Mama!

    We all have had that dry itchy tummy due to growing that beautiful baby! If you didn't know, scratching tears your skin... hot baths & showers also lead to dry skin = which also leads to scratching. Try to gently tap your belly or use and exfoliating sugar scrub in the shower, moisturizing cream or oil to help alleviate any itchiness. Keeping your bod hydrated from the inside out.

    Use organic pregnancy skincare products

      Instead of going after the synthetic products, it is a wise option to look for organic pregnancy skincare products. These products are made up of natural ingredients non-toxic ingredients.


      Spoiled Mama Signature

      Reading next

      Skincare Pregnancy Guide for 2021
      What Causes Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

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