Spoiled Mama Pregnancy Blog

Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2019!

Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2019!

World Breastfeeding Week 2019 is upon us. This seven-day event takes place annually beginning August 1, and is celebrated in more than 170 countries around the world. In honor of World Breastfeedin...

Belly ButterThe Spoiled Mama Gift Guide: Pregnancy skincare for every mom

The Spoiled Mama Gift Guide: Pregnancy skincare for every mom

Every year we get befuddled dads and gift-givers who need help figuring out the best holiday gifts for new moms. Well, breathe easy, holiday shoppers! We've put together a guide to help you find pr...

BreastfeedingPregnancy Safe Herbal Tea to Prepare for Childbirth

Pregnancy Safe Herbal Tea to Prepare for Childbirth

Many expectant Mamas are surprised they can actually help prepare the uterus for childbirth. That's where we come in with a pregnancy safe tea to help prevent preterm labor. To help moms prep for d...

BreastfeedingHow Introduce Sippy Cup to a Breastfed Baby

How to Introduce a Sippy Cup to a Breastfed Baby

So, you're ready to move on to the next step: introducing sippy cup to your little button. But now how to prepare your baby to get on board? When to introduce a sippy cup? Worry not Mamas, we got y...

BreastfeedingDouble Duty Pregnancy Skin Care

Double Duty Pregnancy Skin Care (Part 2 of 2)

Double Duty part 2! Multiple ways to use our pregnancy skincare products: stretch mark removal Tummy Butter acts as a heavy duty moisturizer, natural acne toner as a makeup setter & more, Nipst...

Breastfeeding3 Ways to heal breastfeeding cracked nipples - fast!

3 Ways to heal breastfeeding cracked nipples -- fast!

An improper latch. The wrong breast pump. Thrush. There are lots of causes for sore cracked nipples, but for anyone who's suffered through it...we can all agree on one thing: it sucks. Breastfeedin...

BreastfeedingInspiring celebrity Mamas who normalize breastfeeding

Inspiring celebrity Mamas who normalize breastfeeding

Ah, how quickly World Breastfeeding Week has come and gone. This year, Mamas took to social media in full force to share personal breastfeeding stories, advice and -- my fave -- nursing photos! Aft...